Over all our tour to Nauvoo was successful and a great adventure. Lots and lots of pictures of our tour taken by my friend Jake can be found on his website. If you haven’t been to Nauvoo or are planning to return, here are a few tips/observations for you as you plan.
Be sure to research the sites before you come so you know what is most important for you to see if you have limited time. The visitors center is a great place to make this plan if you have plenty of time on your trip.
- Don’t count the surrounding areas out of you trip. Some are essential to the Nauvoo experience like Carthage while others give you a better understanding appreciation for the area, its history and our country.
- Visit the Joseph Smith Historic Sites and take the tour. This is a must for a Nauvoo visit. Tours are only a few dollars a person. The tour takes you into the homes Joseph and Emma lived and entertained in and so much more.
- Schedule your historic home visits around show and ride reservations. Make sure you call ahead or visit the ticket desks early in your visit to ensure you get reservations for shows and rides in Historic Nauvoo.
Try to learn about the area’s history besides just the Mormon time period before you go.
- Find out what ancestors you may have had with connections to Nauvoo or Western Illinois. If you don’t know, visit the Land and Records Office and they can help you find your ancestors and where they lived. There is also a Family History Center.
- Read the sections of the Doctrine and Covenants that were recorded or written in Nauvoo. Section 124 is the revelation about the Nauvoo House and Nauvoo Temple while 127 and 128 are epistles written from Joseph to the Saints in Nauvoo concerning baptisms for the dead.
- If you want to perform temple work while in Nauvoo, call far in advance to make reservations. You can only do some work if you have a reservation.
- If you can schedule your visit to Nauvoo during the Pageant, DO IT!
Above all, have fun! Make each day of your trip an adventure by trying something new, learning something new and doing something out of your comfort zone. Nauvoo is a wonderful place with a strong history and spirit about it. If you let it, Nauvoo can affect you in ways you didn’t think possible.
Todd Thornock
Where did you get that Nauvoo patch? I would love to get some for my children.
I got the patch in a small shop right there on the main drag. It isn’t too far up the street from the temple. It was a small, crowded store with a bunch of souvenirs on the left if you’re going away from the temple. Sorry, I can’t help you with a store name or anything. I can say it has been there a while since I remember it from my first time to Nauvoo many years ago.
Best of luck finding it and enjoy Nauvoo.
Todd Thornock
Awesome! Thanks so much.