Many of us have specific events or maybe activities we participated in as children that defined or shaped who we are and set the foundation for what we would do in our lives. However, many of us don’t have the opportunity to go back as adults and re-experience those life-shaping moments. This past week I had the great opportunity to do just that.
From 2nd grade to 8th grade I performed and toured with The Texas Boys Choir. My mom has worked for them for more than 20 years, starting when my oldest brother joined the ensemble. She currently works as their booking agent and tour manager. Last week she called me and said they wanted to take someone on the road with them for their first shows of the year to take pictures of just about everything they did. Since I enjoy photography, was in the choir and am much less expensive than a professional, they asked me if I would do it.
I said yes, and a couple of days later was in the bus riding to the East Texas town of Marshall with 50 boys. This is when the flood of memories came rushing back and when I realized how much my time with the boys choir shaped my life and who I am today.
I remembered the countless trips to small towns where we performed for a concert series or a Christmas concert or for a wedding. I remembered the many host families that took us in for a night or two and staying in many hotels. I remembered the many boys I toured with and the friends and enemies I had. I remembered the rules like “code 1” that means to get and remain silent. I remembered the etiquette and manners I had to develop as we mingled with patrons, host families, dignitaries and the general public. I remembered the countless churches we performed in and attended while on the road. I remembered the hours and hours of rehearsals in the Great Hall and on the road. I remembered traveling to new places and experiences new things and having amazing opportunities to do things I couldn’t have done otherwise.
In fact, many of these things probably would have been on my bucket list if I had not done them with the choir and are most definitely on someone’s bucket list. I performed in world-class concert halls and magnificent cathedrals, with masters of entertainment and music, for government officials and dignitaries, and for thousands of others all over the country and overseas. I was truly blessed with the amazing opportunities I had.

Without these opportunities, I would not have developed my love of traveling or my love of the arts. I would not have had a background in performing that would have propelled me on to traveling with others like the BYU Young Ambassadors. I would not have seen and learned so much about my wonderful country and the rest of the world.
I can’t say thank you enough to my parents and others who gave me those amazing experiences. By taking the adventure this last weekend to travel with the boys choir again, I am able to look back and see how great that experience really was. I am able to trace other things I have done since then back to performing with The Texas Boys Choir.
For all of this I am very grateful.
What adventures did you have while growing up that shaped who you are today and what you have done in your life?
(P.S. I think I may write a couple more posts about my time with the boys choir with more details, so keep an eye out for more to come about my many adventures from the past.)
2014 Gratitude Project – Travel: Tour with TBC | Adventure Patches
[…] in grand concert halls, glorious cathedrals and just about every venue in between. We sang with Carol Burnett and Frederica Von Stade, at the inauguration party for then-Governor George W. Bush with the Oak Ridge Boys on the program, […]
2013 Gratitude Project – Travel: Tour with TBC | Adventure Patches
[…] in grand concert halls, glorious cathedrals and just about every venue in between. We sang with Carol Burnett and Frederica Von Stade, at the inauguration party for then-Governor George W. Bush with the Oak Ridge Boys on the program, […]