I don’t read a lot but when I do it’s a good book. I have a high bar for the books I read, they generally have to reel me in during the first few pages. Otherwise, I’ll probably set it to the side and not finish. I know, not great. But that’s okay. Let me share some books that I would recommend.
(note: most of these I read, but some of them I listened to the audio book. I’ll make a note so you know that by the title)Any children’s book written by Roald Dahl! My favorites are his autobiographies – “Boy” and “Going Solo.” I also enjoyed “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More,” and “Danny the Champion of the World.”
- “The Complete Mary Poppins” by P.L. Travers – It is practically perfect in every way!
- “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This is a magnificent story. I read it while in China after many years of wanting to read it. I cried multiple times while reading it because of sorrow, anger and joy. My favorite character is Evangeline. If only we could all be like her.
- “Dracula” by Bram Stoker – Another great story and told in an unusual way.
- The Harry Potter series (listened to the last three books)
- “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy
- “The Hobbit” also by J.R. Tolkien
- “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo (listened to the Julie Rose translation from Audible) – I finished this book a couple of months ago. I read (listened to from Audible) the unabridged version. It is long. I’m convinced though that if you just want the story you can read the abridged version. If you want the commentary on nineteenth century France and society in general from Victor Hugo then read the whole thing.
- The Inheritance Cycle series

Yes, I know that most of these are British authors, but what can I say? They can write. I can’t write this post though without mentioning The Book of Mormon. It is a fantastic book too.
You can find links to each of these books from my Pinterest board “Books Worth Reading.” Some of them you can download and read for free.