Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season. Yes, I’m excited for Christmas, but that’s not the only reason I’m grateful for the season. Have you ever noticed that during this time of year people are allowed to be a little more jolly than other times? That we’re allowed to be excited listen to kind of cheesy music and watch sappy movies? That everyone seems to let things go a lot easier? People feel comfortable decorating, many times with cheap and ugly decorations? We even encourage people to wear ugly sweaters. I love it! I love that Christmas music is some of the most sentimental, cheesy and hokey music but that no one judges you for listening to it during the season.
Yep, those are some reasons I’m grateful for the holiday season. People are generally happier, more accepting, and more child-like at this time of year. I feel like we can be more our real selves during the holidays, and fewer people feel like they have to put on a mask to impress people. I’m excited for the season. I’m already gearing up for decorating and special events. It’s gonna be a fun time. What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
Here’s to the Inner cheesy-sappy-dude!