Sun Valley, Idaho, home to one of the first private ski resorts in the U.S., hosts a fantastic event in the summer all around cars. For seven years the Sun Valley Auto Club put on the Sun Valley Road Rally, a no-speed-limit event, to benefit a local charity. It is held in conjunction with a car show and is totally awesome. I didn’t make it in time for the car show, but I got to witness some amazing automotive feats the next day in the rally.
A few dozen cars drove in six heats down a 3.2-mile stretch in the canyon just outside of Ketchum. Eight hundred spectators (all the tickets they have) sit on the crest of a hill, trying very carefully not to damage the sage brush, at the end of a long straight-of-way where the cars could gain maximum speed.
Over the five heats we watched we saw Bugattis, Porches, Lamborghinis, Corvettes, a BMW bike, a movie prop truck, and many more zip by for the most part at amazing speeds. Hellbug, one of two Bugattis, was a crowd favorite as it flew by at 235.7 mph. another highlight was the first-ever run of an electronic vehicle—a Tesla—that topped its factory speed of 155 mph at 157.9 mph.
Check out these videos of the Tesla and Hellbug.
I’ve been ruined by the event though. Now, when Porches pass me on the road I can’t help but think how fast it could be going since most of them we saw run in the rally were right around 200 mph.

The rally is scheduled to continue each year, but due to the surge in popularity and interest, ticket prices are sure to be raised next year much higher than $10 per person. Here are a few tips if you make it out for the 2016 event:
- Plan ahead since this year tickets sold out a week in advance.
- Take food and water.
- Be prepared for downtime for the 20 minute breaks between heats.
- Though there are covered bleachers, most people take their own chairs to watch from.