My bucket list (subject to change)

Click on a completed or in-progress item from my bucket list to find posts about those adventures if I’ve written about them on this blog. All photos are mine for completed or in-progress items (except Willis Tower). All other photographs are from Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Commons.

Multiple Continents or Non-specific to Location

world heritage in progress Aurora BorealisPoetryNational Geographic


Giza Pyramids


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Bali Burj Khalifa

elephant in India Everest

Holy Land

Iran Petra Singapore tiger gorilla chimp

Tibet Transsiberian Railway Zhangye Danxia

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Verona Venice Vatican

Stonehenge St Petersburg Red Squareeiffel-tower-check Rome Salzburg notre-dame-check
Iceland Hungary
Gaudi architecture
Giants Causeway Danube River Cruise Berlin

Willis Tower check

Yellowstone Yosemite White House

Smithsonian in progress

Presidential Inauguration One World Trade Center

Mount Kilauea

Monarch Butterfly reserve Mexico

General Conference check Cuba Denali EvergladesUtah's National Parks check

Canopy Tour

Mayan Temples

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Ayer's Rock Australia Zoo

Sydney Opera House check Fiordland

Easter Island Iguazu Falls Machu Picchu Nazca Lines Paradise Falls


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