Cape Town South Africa

Cape Town is a beautiful city! It is where the South Africans go for vacation, and was a joy to explore. As my final stop in South Africa, it was an exclamation point! My hotel was in Green Point, so … Continued

Kimberley South Africa

Kimberley, South Africa, capital city of the Northern Cape, doesn’t draw a lot of tourists like Joburg and Cape Town. However, at one time, this quiet arid city was the crown jewel of the African continent and British Empire. Even … Continued

National Zoo of South Africa

My second day in Pretoria, I ventured out solo as my friends returned to China. I planned to visit the National Zoo, a place my great grandfather wrote about visiting twice. To get there from the Gautrain station, I walked … Continued

Pretoria, South Africa

Pretoria, South Africa is the capital city for the executive branch. The legislative and judiciary branches are headquartered in other cities. That’s one thing that makes South Africa unique. My great grandfather recorded the last six months of his time … Continued


Freiberg, Germany has a similar story to Kutna Hora. It was a wealthy stronghold due to mining silver and other precious things. However, unlike the Czech city, Freiberg wasn’t abandoned so early on. It continued to grow and change. I … Continued


The Zwinger is spectacular! The baroque complex encompasses a beautiful European garden with halls on each side filled with art and antiquities. The main entrance, across a bridge over the moat, is literally crowned. All around the palace sculptures dance … Continued


Dresden, Germany is a beautiful city! Once called the Jewel Box of Europe, heavy bombing during World War II reduced to rubble many of the spectacular buildings. Over the seventy years since the war, many have been rebuilt. Frauenkirche The … Continued

Karlovy Vary

We all have those movies we enjoy watching over and over again even if they aren’t great movies. “The Last Holiday” with Queen Latifah is one of mine. That’s why I made a point to visit Karlovy Vary while in … Continued


The Prague Castle wasn’t always the only castle in the city. Vysehrad perched on a hill over the river just around a bend to the south. I figured out what it was before I knew what is was because the … Continued

Kutna Hora

Not far from Prague, the small town of Kutna Hora quietly sits. Unlike in Prague, this town didn’t constantly go through changes with the times. When the silver ran out, the town turned from a major power player in Europe … Continued

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