To Dublin for Drinks

When someone talks about getting drinks in Dublin, you probably think of Dublin, Ireland and beer. Well, when I say it I mean Dublin, Texas and Dr Pepper. That’s the home of the oldest original Dr Pepper bottling plant and … Continued

Rainforest Under the Skyscrapers

Did you know there’s a rainforest in downtown Dallas? That’s right a full on rainforest with big trees, monkeys, a big waterfall, tropical birds, colorful reptiles and a sloth all tucked nicely in the shadows of tall glass skyscrapers. It’s … Continued

Poker to Preachers and Bowling

As a Certified Tourism Ambassador or CTA, I’m invited to participate in discovery days hosted by area conventions and visitors bureaus. These outings help us as CTAs to see what is out there and experience the area’s attractions. When we … Continued

Museum of Living Art and more

In a previous post, I told you about one of my happy places, the Dallas Zoo. That, however, is not the only zoological park in the DFW area, and on Monday, with my brother’s wife, my nephew and my mom, … Continued

Everything’s Bigger in Texas

They say everything is bigger in Texas, right? Well, on Saturday that cliché was reaffirmed to me as I helped give a tour of cowboy related stuff to a friend visiting from out of town. We saw a few things … Continued

Hell’s Half Acre – Baptized

In downtown Fort Worth, the area just south of the convention center was once called Hell’s Half Acre. It was a neighborhood of ill repute where outlaws and rustlers took a break from their dastardly deeds and took in a … Continued

Penguin Days

I shared an adventure with you a couple of months ago to one of my favorite places, the Dallas Zoo. Well, in January and February the zoo offers a special discount for what they have called Penguin Days because it … Continued

A Lost Document and more

Before my adventure at the Sixth Floor Museum, I had a couple other adventures. First was at the Dallas Public Library. You may not think there are many adventures to be had at the library other than those found in … Continued

Six Floors Up

While living in Hungary, when I told people I was from Dallas they immediately thought of two things, the beloved TV series and the place where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Although I’ve been to Southfork Ranch a couple … Continued

One of My Happy Places

We all have a place that we love going. We could go there any time and be happy. This place provides us with simple happiness, a place where we can think and ponder on life and the world around us. … Continued

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