Hengshan Hanging Temple

Precariously hanging on the side of Hengshan, one of China’s five sacred mountains, a 1,500-year-old monastery seems to cling to the rock as effortlessly as a gecko on a wall. The Hengshan hanging temple is as natural on the rock … Continued

Yungang Grottoes

Carved in stone outside Datong to the west sit hundreds of Buddhas at Yungang Grottoes. This UNESCO World Heritage site is the fourth of China’s Buddhist grottoes and the last one for me to visit. Bucket list item complete! Granted … Continued

New Year’s in Datong

A short drive away from Beijing, you can reach the city of Datong, Shanxi. Our drive took us through the mountains northwest of the city past amazing scenes of Great Wall climbing them into coal country. A small city by … Continued

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