New Mexico – a land of culture and history

Taos, NM One thing the Chinese pride themselves on is how long their culture has been around. It has been continuous in some fashion for thousands of years. Although there are remnants of ancient civilizations in the U.S. you would … Continued

If you could hike in Kolob

I’ve been to Zion National Park a handful of times and have always been in awe of the spectacular scenery. I’ve hiked many of the trails in the main canyon including the Emerald Pools Trails three times and the magnificent, … Continued

Lee’s Ferry – the only crossing for miles

My next stop was at Lee’s Ferry. Go back less than 100 years and there was no bridge or road across the Colorado River or its deep canyons for hundreds of miles meaning that Arizona and Utah were practically cut-off from … Continued

Pipe Spring National Monument – cultures clashing over water

On my drive back from Utah, I decided to stop at two locations important to the Honeymoon Trail (read more about that here or here) and now part of the rich history of the American west. Pipe Spring National Monument Pipe … Continued

The Otherworldly Bryce Canyon

An ancient Paiute story tells of the Legend People who once lived in present-day southern Utah who weren’t so good. Because of their bad deeds they were turned into stone by the coyote. Now it’s a land of funky red … Continued

Western China’s Ancient Remnants

From the Mogao Caves we hopped in a taxi for the day to visit a few other sites outside of Dunhuang including a 2,000 year old wall and gate and Yadan National Park where Zhang Yimou’s Hero was filmed. 1,000 … Continued

It was the best of China; it was the worst of China

After Hongcun we went to Tangkou, the small town just outside of Huangshan national park. The travel people we worked with (a professor Melissa taught last semester) had booked our hotel and everything should have been fine. However, when we … Continued

Nanjing: A Smorgasbord, first helping

This past weekend I partook of a grand smorgasbord of tasty American eats and rich Chinese history. Living so close to Nanjing, I’m surprised it took me this long to get there especially when it has so much to offer. … Continued

Washington’s Birthday

Today we celebrate the birthday of one of America’s greatest statesmen, commanders and servants. Although some states have added their own holiday of different names to be celebrated at the same time, the federal holiday is and has been since … Continued

My Bucket List (subject to change)

I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last couple of months with no job or school to occupy my time. Don’t get me wrong, searching for a job is hard work and takes a lot of time … Continued

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